Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nuclear waste management assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nuclear waste management assignment - Essay Example Radioactive waste is dumped in the facility and kept there forever based on the assumption that radiation form this waste is containable for enormously large periods of times based on the engineering and structure of the repository and the types of rocks surrounding the facility. It is assumed that while the waste is kept in the repository, level of radiation it emits will decrease with time. Since rock formations around the repository are being depended upon to keep the radiation of the radioactive waste within the facility, location for the repository needs to be such that is surrounded by roc formations that can effectively add another barrier to the radiation’s escape. The repository will be built in a way that the waste is engulfed in multi layers barrier. When the repository is being designed, it needs to be ensured that its structure is such that in case waste needs to be retrieved, that can be easily managed. For those who believe that it will be an overnight transition, they are quite wrong. The government plan concerning its Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) program span over a period of decades ant the first repository is thought to be ready by 2040 though regulating bodies are pushing to bring his date forward to the year 2029. This large scope of timelines makes it very clear that this project is not an easy one to undertake. The repository will not be functional for a long time for it does not only have to serve the purpose of a waste disposal site but it has to be safe and environmentally proven to be established. Unfortunately, safety is never a 100% guarantee in anything related to the nuclear industry but checks and balances are being kept in place to minimize any potential risk these repositories might pose. After site selection and before building of a repository, a complete risk assessment of any potent harm the repository might bring will be done

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

To create a cycle of myth based in truth Personal Statement

To create a cycle of myth based in truth - Personal Statement Example My mother had absconded her village on a night when our rivals raided the village due to communal vendetta and brutally killed my father. Pregnant and exhausted, but a great swimmer, she dove into the river before the raiders could catch up. On the river's bank there situated a village of a different tribe. They welcomed and gave her shelter. I grew up in this village where the people were peace loving and maintained strong family bonds. The most unique feature of this village was their expertise in building technology and all houses were built on the concept of cosmic architecture which was based on the philosophy that the 'five elements' in the building and humans should remain in perfect harmony. They attributed the tranquil ambience in the village to this synchrony that they achieve in the construction of their homes. I grew up listening to the myth of the goddess of wealth, who, as stories have it, had come to the village with a gunny bag full of precious stones and sought shelter there. One day, when I was in my eighteens, while hunting in the forest, I came across an old man lying on the ground with a large sack by his side. I approached him, and enquired who he was. He told me that he was a merchant from a nearby town who came here for trade purposes.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Software Engineering And HCI

Software Engineering And HCI In this essay I will talk about the issue which currently annoying the HCI community about its connection with software engineering and how to merge them. We encourage both HIC and software engineering to take a larger view, and we suggest system engineering as one of the structure for achieving such merging. Users sometimes face complex tasks within the progression of interactive software. There is no adequately support in general software development. MEMFIS one of the methods laid out for evolvement of software with the interaction of non-trivial human-computer. MEMFIS focused user interface into the object-oriented methodology. It has three phases the first one is the examination of problem field and its conceptual user interface; communication design for modeling of user interface tool in preoccupation of software concepts. Software design is used for mapping problem domain model and the concept of software. We can address this issue from the interaction of users with the software development. New interaction techniques are required to end tasks analysis and modeling techniques also to allow tasks that are performed by software developers to be finished by users. Those tasks which performed by professional software developers are to be studied deeply so that they can provide users with adequate tools. Users need to be particularly supported to achieve their tasks. It is the greatest goal to define the range of end-user participation in software development in general and on the other hand end-user directed software development methods and to support them with new tools. User Efficacy A lot of technological changes depend on User Interface Design to glorify heir technical intricacy to use it again. Technology may not win user acceptance. To know how the user experiences the end product is the important thing to accept this product and that is where User Interface Design enters the design process. As product engineers looking forward to technology, usability specialists focus on the user interface. To make users more efficiency and also cost effectiveness, so this relationship should be kept from the start of the project. While people often think of Interface Design in the concept of computers, it also refers to many products where the user interacts with controls or displays. There are few products that widely apply User Interface Design. Other products such as Military aircraft, vehicles and audio equipment have a good effect on its User. Interface Design requires good planning appeal to the design process. It is necessary to ensure maximum performance through Usability Test. This empirical testing allows innocent users to provide data about what does work as expected. A product can be supposed to have a user optimized interface after the resulting repairs are made. User Interface Design can determine the difference between product acceptance and rejection. If users feel that it is not easy to use or learn about anew software program this product could fail. Good User Interface Design helps to make a product easy to understand and use. User Interface Design Expert Services Usernomics has a great role which can help your company to make your products easy to learn and use. Some experts design both hardware and software products. Their skills cover a wide extend of products such as web-based and application software. Experts of User Interface Design experts apply a systematic technique to evaluate websites for highest effectiveness, easy navigation, and enhanced user experience. The integration issue No doubt that the Interaction with human beings is increasingly identified. It is considered as an important aspect of software systems and products. Many professionals in the field of computing industry call for integrating human-computer interaction engineering with software engineering. In the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society they explored some ideas on integration. They had suggested some proposed solutions which would integrate HCI engineering into software engineering. So what is the relationship between HCI and software? And how do they interact as fields of endeavor? And that this is the major issue for the HCI community. The user is an ingredient of the system and notice that the software engineering process must include usability engineering. Another point of view said that HCI should be moved from the field of computer science to design, saying that software engineers have a constructors-eye view that helps to consider this issue. Recently at least three new books have addressed this issue in order to find new ways to solve it. Agreement continues to avoid the HCI community. In this paper we can say that this opposes and competition are unnecessary and unproductive. HCI and software engineering need to be better merged. Integration between HCI and software engineering is very necessary to the cost-effective development of highly usable software systems and products. However, that it is appropriate to blend either of these processes into the other. Our hypothesis is that the fields of HCI and software must interact and work together under a larger perspective that surrounds both and each of them must develop a larger vision. Building a larger vision The outlook of such disciplines as system engineering, product engineering, industrial engineering, and industrial design can provide this larger vision. We can use system engineering as a model for this outlook because this term is used in the environment of development of large systems under contract to specific clients. It should be clear when we say system engineering we mean many aspects such as system engineering, product engineering, industrial engineering, or maybe even industrial design which is suit for an organization. So that it is necessary to make it clear with the concept of engineering. It means specification, design, and technical omission of the execution process. Some people argue that the word engineering means taking a design and building the inclusion of design within engineering appears in most therapy of software engineering throughout its history. According to Newman engineering like design is about creativity and changes. Integrating HCI engineering and software engineering requires both disciplines to do a model shift to create a larger outlook. Discipline, system engineering has considerable experience in integrating specific engineering disciplines such as software, hardware, firmware, and data base engineering in a matched system development process. Within this model shift, We can start the integration effort as following: First thing to do is to determine the disciplines distinct and what do HCI and software engineering do? To know the responsibilities do each has in its system Which of HCI and software engineering is in charge of what? To put plans of how should they cooperate? Determine the way of interaction interact and communicate with each other? List of needs does each one have, and sort the information about each produce? How does the work of each affect the other? to determine the roles of system engineering How does the system engineering process merge and coordinate the technical donation of the separate engineering disciplines? Through the answers of these questions you can notice the importance of the integration of HCI and software engineering. The answers to these questions depend on the specific organization, the development environment, and the system or product being developed. We can consider the above questions and provide a few answers from our information of system engineering in our environment. Distinctions The basic difference between HCI engineering and software engineering is that they have disconnected problem domains. HCI engineering depends on the tasks of people using the system or product and interactions that the users need to perform their tasks on the environment in which they work. On the other hand Software engineering depends on the software ability which needed for the system to perform its tasks, achieve its objectives, and meet its requirements. Some of the software skills are also needed to support the users in achieving their tasks and interacting with the system. Their unlike problem domains give these disciplines separate roles and responsibilities in the process of specifying, designing, and developing the system or product. The following figure shows the roles and responsibilities of both HCI and software engineering: HCI Engineering (user view) User task analysis Interaction design Usability specification Interface design Software support Usability evaluation Software engineering (Technology view) Software requirement Software design Software validation Interaction support software Application program coding Interface software coding Calling for integration often place HCI within software design or software engineering. Many of the activities involved in the development of interactive systems are often assert by both software engineers and HCI engineers: The software industry be inclined to see HCI development as a software engineering activity which can improve software engineering and its practice and the HCI community tends to see some fields of software development as part of HCI engineering Current tools tend to unclear the difference and worsen the problem Many application development tools include HCI layout skills, and many interface design tools can automatically create interface code. However, these two engineering skills must be kept clear, so that each may maintain its own focus and Preference. There are some activities which differ from the Curtis and Hefley list in two ways. They assigned to HCI engineering the activity of allocating functions to humans and software; other people designate it as a system engineering responsibility because it requires a larger view than that of either HCI or software. They allocated to HCI engineering the activity of coding the HCI software. We assign it to software engineering because coding as we know belongs to the software engineering problem domain. HCI and software engineering must cooperate and communicate, but they are as processes distinct and have some difficult and sometimes conflicting issues and concerns. It takes a larger view, such as provided by system engineering, to think about the issues. Cooperation The HCI and software engineering processes closely cooperate during the design and execution of interactive systems and products. As we can notice Figure 2 demonstrate the interactions and information exchanges between the processes as they relate to HCI and its development? The following diagram indicates that HCI engineering and software engineering are detached but interact very closely. Not only do they exchange information, but each reviews and validates the others products to ensure both usability and probability. As we can see The HCI engineering process receives input from the definition of the users needs with regard to the system skills. This includes a description of users environment, a definition of human-performed and other activities and information from other related sources such as marketing. The HCI process has some tasks such as identifies the HCI and usability requirements, designs the interaction, and legalize requirements and design by means of initial usability evaluation using main idea. The HCI engineering product that is of interest to software engineering is software needs such as the software skills and characteristics needed to carry out the HCI design. The software engineering process blend the HCI related software requirements with the requirements connected to the other parts of the software product, such as computational and information restoration skills, and develops the software to meet the blended requirements. This development may in turn create additional HCI requirements, which HCI engineering then combine into the HCI design such as the software development process recognize needs for further interactions with the user, such as specific software which related online help and error messages. Software engineering also requires restriction on the HCI design and often related to technological limitations and probability but also due to delivery schedules and total budget. Sometimes Separation and collaboration may fail due to the use of human interface tools that do automatic code generation may give the HCI engineer the impression of performing a software engineering role; in the other side, the use of application program tools that generate forms and windows such as Visual Basic may give the software engineer the impression of performing an HCI engineering role. Also, the interaction between the disciplines may create issues and conflicts. In my point of view the strong interaction between these disciplines and the need to resolve their conflicts are major reasons why each discipline tries to take in the other. We assert that such attempts are neither necessary nor advantageous; because neither discipline has a large enough view to accomplish the others objectives. It is system engineerings role and responsibility to optimize the other system design and thus to recognize acceptable in its market and try to resolve the issues. The framework of system engineering According to the Systems Engineering Capability state Model (SE-CMM) which developed by the SEI, system engineering aims to merge the efforts of all engineering disciplines and specialties into the total engineering effort Some organizations define a system engineering process that clearly provides for the separate processes of HCI and software engineering like the Computer Sciences Corporation in 1990. System engineering can be considered as the keeper of the system view, it always working to make sure that the system or product meets its overall requirements and aims. System engineering has responsibility for many primary activities such as following: Definition of system and operation concepts Specification of detailed system requirements Requirements allocation and definition of system architecture and design Technical oversight of all engineering donation to product execution. Technical oversight of testing and confirmation at the system level Technical tradeoff decision making These system engineering responsibilities and its aims provide the framework for the effective integration of HCI and software engineering. The specific integration appropriate for an organization and development environment will depend on a definition of when and how the interactions between HCI engineering and software engineering occur and how to solve the issues and other conflicts. This definition should include some aspects: Clear border around HCI and software engineering processes such as responsibilities, inputs, outputs Sources of inputs and destinations of outputs to all participants in design and development Specification of the information exchange between activities of the engineering processes Process for setting decision standard for example tradeoff analyses, usability aim. One of the major donations of HCI and software engineering to system engineering involves providing their own out look to the allocation of system skills to humans and software HCI participates in the discovery of user needs and tasks, also in the decisions about whether or not to allocate a function to a person. Software usually shares in the evaluation of the feasibility of proposed automation of human activities and in the decisions about whether or not to set functions to software. System engineering uses these analyses to develop a system design from tradeoffs of schedule, cost, and the overall benefits that the system will provide to its users and to the organization. Improving the integration framework We can notice that system engineering is not perfect. The specific processes that system engineering tends to mandate for the HCI often may fail to support effective collaboration with software engineering, and they may not provide the most efficient means of achieving usability in interactive systems and products. System engineers need to acquire as deep an understanding of HCI engineering as they tend to have about the other engineering disciplines whose contributions they coordinate. Developing such an understanding will require the collaboration of specialists in system engineering, HCI engineering, and software engineering. Conclusion: HCI belongs to the study of interaction between users and computers. It is considered as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, and several other aspects of study. This Interaction between users and computers occurs at the user interface which includes both software and hardware. There is connection between human-computer interaction and a machine. It depends on supporting knowledge on both the machine and the human side. It is very important for poorly designed to have human-machine interaction because human-machine interfaces can lead to other unexpected problems. So HCI and software engineering must have more cooperation to put more solutions to this issue. References: Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, and Russell Beale (2003): Human-Computer Interaction. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2003. ISBN 0-13046-109-1 Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers Jenny Preece: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd ed. John Wiley Sons Ltd., 2007 ISBN 0-470-01866-6 Matt Jones (interaction designer) and Gary Marsden (2006). Mobile Interaction Design, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Behaviors Information Technology International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Human-Computer Interaction .

Friday, October 25, 2019

Alcoholism and Drinking - Alcohol and Personality :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Alcohol and Personality    Alcoholism is a road often traveled yet there is no light at the end. The road only leads to a life of depression, anxiety, anger, stress, and much more. These are all common unwanted personality traits that we experience at one time or another. However, alcoholics exhibit these traits day in and day our as the likelihood that they act in these types of manners is nearly doubled when alcohol is involved. Alcohol inhibits not only our daily bodily functions but our mind as well. Alcoholism leads to times of withdrawal, low self-esteem, and an overall unwillingness to be part of society. It can turn the gentlest person into a raving psychopath without them even knowing it or if they do know, they refuse to admit it. Alcoholism manipulates the way we think and the way we react in common everyday situations. Minor problems are blown out of proportion while major problems are faced with anger, resentment, and often physical force. Alcoholism does nothing positive for an individual. It has many harmful effects and its effects on one's personality is one of the most harmful of all.    Our personality is who we are and who we are known as. Alcoholism takes that personality, corrupts it, and turns us into the person we never thought weà ¾d become. As the alcohol becomes more important and necessary in an alcoholicà ¾s life he will find himself unable to any longer answer the question of who he is but will rather find himself asking questions such as who he has become. At first, an individual may enjoy an occasional beer or two to à ¾take a load offà ¾. This does not have a permanent adverse effect on his personality. However, as time goes on, if this same person finds himself relying on alcohol to make it through the day, the problem has started. Before he knows it he will find himself psychologically dependent on alcohol and stages will develop. First, he may need a drink before he goes to bed to make him sleep better. Next, he may need to have a beer or two during his lunch break at the office because he has a lot on his mind. Finally, heà ¾ll find himself dr inking as a means of solving the simplest problem or needing a drink before he can even feel comfortable in public. Once this point in the alcoholic cycle is reached, his personality will begin to change as it takes on a new, distorted shape.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Crisis Management Communication Plan Essay

Create a 750- to 1,050-word crisis management communication plan for a health care organization or health care setting with which you are familiar. Include the following in your plan:  · An explanation of how communication dynamics may differ in times of crisis, mass trauma, or disaster  · Three ways to reduce stress during a crisis  · Three ways to resolve potential communication challenges Cite at least two peer-reviewed references supporting the strategies used in your communication plan. College life is much different than life at home. Your parents aren’t there to help whenever you need them and you’ll be entrusted with far more responsibility than you’re used to. Make sure you stay organized and manage your time wisely or you’ll find yourself drowning in your new found responsibilities. There is HCS 350 Week 5 Crisis Management Communication Plan in this pack. General Questions – General General Questions Resource: Assignment Grading Criteria: Crisis Management Plan Create a 750- to 1,050-word crisis management communication plan for a health care organization or health care setting with which you are familiar. Include the following in your plan:  · An explanation of how communication dynamics may differ in times of crisis, mass trauma, or disaster  · Three ways to reduce stress during a crisis  · Three ways to resolve potential communication challenges Cite at least two peer-reviewed references supporting the strategies used in your communication plan. College life is much different than life at home. Your parents aren’t there to help whenever you need them and †¦ Search for more tutorials here – College life is much different than life at home. Your parents aren’t there to help whenever you need them and you’ll be entrusted with far more responsibility than you’re used to. Make sure you stay organized and manage your time wisely or you’ll find yourself drowning in your new found responsibilities. General Questions – General General Questions Resource: Assignment Grading Criteria: Crisis Management Plan Create a 750- to 1,050-word crisis management communication plan for a health care organization or health care setting with which you are familiar. Include the following in your plan:  · An explanation of how communication dynamics may differ in times of crisis, mass trauma, or disaster  · Three ways to reduce stress during a crisis  · Three ways to resolve potential communication challenges Cite at least two peer-reviewed references supporting the strategies used in your communication plan.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Consumer Behaviour – Concept Used by Marketers

An award is something given to a person or a group of people to recognise excellence in a certain field, a certificate of excellence. Awards are often signified by trophies, titles, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, badges, pins, or ribbons. Each person on this earth yearns for appreciation, recognition and affirmation. Some hanker for the recognition from their loved ones, some want to be recognised by their boss, organisation want to be recognised by consumers, some aim at appreciation from the masses or their peers in general and usually, organisations aim for affirmation (For example, ISO or Cast Trust awards). Marketers in this case had used the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. Every aspect of a market offering, including the nature of the product itself, is driven by the needs of potential consumers. Concept There are some types of relationships a person may have with a product. Trophies, medals and awards have given the consumers relationships of self-concept attachment, nostalgic attachment and love. They help to establish the user’s identity, serve as a link with a self past and elicit emotional bonds of warmth, passion or other strong emotion. Our perception is an approximation of reality. Our brain attempts to make sense out of the stimuli to which we are exposed. Several sequential factors influence our perception. Trophies, medals and awards have given consumers the perception of vision and touch. Vision Marketers reply heavily on visual elements in advertising, store design, and packaging. They communicate meanings on the visual channel through a product’s colour, size and styling. Colours may even influence our emotions more directly. Evidence suggests that some colours create feelings of arousal and stimulate appetite, and others create more relaxing feelings. Others reactions are a result of biological and culture differences. We know that perceptions of colour depend on both its physical wavelength and how the mind responds to that stimulus. Touch This sensory channel is relatively important even though scientists have done little research on the effects of tactile stilulation on consumer behaviour. Sensation that reach our skin, whether from a luxurious massage or the bite of a winter wind, stimulate or relax. Researchers even have shown that touch can influence sales interactions, they are starting to identify the important role the haptic (touch) sense plays in consumer behaviour. Haptic senses appear to moderate the relationship between product experience and judgement confidence, confirming the common sense notion that we are more sure about what we have preceive when we touch it. Motivation Motivation refers to the process that lead people to behave as they do. It occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy. The need creates a state of tension that drives the consumer to attempt to reduce or eliminate. The desired end state is the consumers’s goal. Marketers try to create products and services that will provide the desired benefits and permit the consumer to reduce this tention. When trophies, medals or awards are given to people or organization, it acts as a form of appreciation, recognition and affirmation. It becomes a very strong motivating factor to do more and be better. On the other hand, the absence of timely appreciation acts as a powerful de-motivator, and sometimes even pushes people to destructive behavior. The use of awards trophies and awards plaques can be used as an exceptionally potent way to express appreciation, recognition and affirmation at all levels, at home, at the work place and even globally. Values Researchers had identified four dominant of values, freedom, belongingness, excellence and connection. Classifying Consumer Needs Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is one of the consumer needs theory. People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby. Maslow's concept of self-actualisation relates directly to the present day challenges and opportunities for people, employers and organisations to provide real meaning, purpose and true personal development. Self-Concept The self-concept is composed of relatively permanent self-assessments, such as personality attributes, knowledge of one's skills and abilities, one's occupation and hobbies, and awareness of one's physical attributes. The self-concept is not restricted to the present. It includes past selves and future selves. Future selves or â€Å"possible selves† represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming. They correspond to hopes, fears, standards, goals, and threats. Possible selves may function as incentives for future behavior and they also provide an evaluative and interpretive context for the current view of self. Self-Esteem Self-esteem reflects a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. People with high self-esteem expect that they will perform very well and people with low self-esteem will try to avoid embarrassment, failure or rejection. Marketers communication can influence a consumer’s self-esteem. A process of social comparison, where the person tries to evaluate himself/herself by comparing it to the person these artificial images depict. Examples The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognise excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent film award ceremonies in the world. Generally, it has been seen that the award of such trophies can be powerful motivators for all people. This is basically because most people crave appreciation, recognition and affirmation for their efforts, whether they work at home or in an office. These awards need not be expensive or grand, as long as they are tailor made for the recipient. 1248 words References http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Trophy http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Medal https://www. amazines. com/article_detail. cfm/725101? articleid=725101 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Consumer_behaviour http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/International_Organization_for_Standardization http://www. consumerpsychologist. com/cb_Perception. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Self-concept http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Academy_Awards Michael R. Solomon,_ Consumer Behaviour_, 8e Pearson Education, Inc.